His Mighty Servant

READ: James 3:13-18

MH900230766She has been one of our most awaited guest speakers in our Family Ministry School (FMS) in Baguio and Taipei for the last few years. God has been using her in the area of healing and prophetic ministries. She’s a rather soft spoken lady with her British accent and probably in her 50’s.

Serving as speaker for the week, Diane joined in one of our FMS staff meetings in Taipei in 2006, for her to minister to each of us staff members. As she started to pray and speak prophetic words for each one, I must admit that I was guilty of not being quite awestruck. Perhaps I had just gotten used to hearing “anointed prophets” who would come on so strong with their prophecies that you could right away fall spellbound with their sharpness and accuracy.

With Diane, I felt what she was speaking to each one (at that time in Taipei) was far too generalized. . . . I had to repent for my bias, though, when my turn came. As I closed my eyes and raised my hands, it surprised me to hear something different. What I had expected to sound imprecise—simply came too specific and sharp!

We were not able to voice-record the prophecies. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t forget these words that brought me to tears:

You have dreams. . . . God gave you dreams. . . . People may have asked, “Who are you?” But the Lord says, “Keep on dreaming . . . Going through various tests doesn’t mean you’re not on the right track. . . . Others think you’re not, but you cannot please everybody. . . . Seek to please God, not people. . . .”

Being in Taipei for a few months sort of marked the end (or long delay) of a dream to officially publish my book, Rediscovering Your Intelligence. Despite the very good feedback on a number of copies we had printed out through desktop publishing, I felt helpless and discouraged with my laptop that crashed without remedy and files that couldn’t be retrieved.

At the height of enjoying a new culture and environment during our Taiwan FMS, I was at the back of my mind grieving the loss of a big dream. There were times when I thought, “If only I could have my book published. . . . But what am I doing in this expensive city of Taipei?” A little depression crept in as I listened to the voice of disappointment. All the while, I was moving on with my responsibilities in the school, despite my struggles.

Thank God that He met me at the point of my need through the low-profile yet spiritually remarkable woman prophet named Diane Pearce! Along with her timely prophetic words, Diane also prayed for the joy of my salvation to be restored.

It was such a valuable lesson that I should be humble enough to receive and not quick to judge. While Diane is well-known in Australia and Korea, God doesn’t speak only through people with big names or those with big eloquent voices. He can speak through the soft-spoken Diane Pearce, the forceful Cindy Jacobs, Billy Graham and the like–or anyone He chooses to meet us at the greatest point of our need.

“But there will be glory, honor, and peace for every person who does what is good. . . . God does not play favorites.” – Romans 2:10-12 (GW)

You Have A Future

READ: Jeremiah 29:11-13


Becoming a stay-at-home mom for about two years seems to be the longest and most difficult stage I have gone through. Don’t get me wrong. Being a full-time mom is a wonderful 24/7 job. What made me struggle was the absence of my husband (who worked abroad during those years) and my “leave of absence” from work or ministry.

I am not a plain housewife material, but I survived doing household chores by myself (except for marketing and cooking which were my eldest sister’s work duty). My life was still convenient with an automatic washing machine and an electric sterilizer. No amount of technology, however, could ease the depression that was slowly creeping in. How I missed those times when my family was complete and we were active in mission work.

We went out of YWAM (Youth With A Mission), hoping to embrace a new role as a sender or financial supporter to missionary friends. But I guess no transition stage is easy. And here is where people either move forward or retreat.

Whatever happened to God-given gifts and dreams?

I moved backwards by starting a habit of recalling the place and season where I was most dynamic and effective. If only I could relive those moments. . . . If only . . . but all I could do was go back to the past until a still small voice put me off. It gently whispered, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” In the spur of the moment, the all-too-familiar Jeremiah 29:11 resonated a special promise. 

The well-known verse has brought a new revelation that enabled me to stop a counter-productive habit. It spoke to my heart and lifted up my downcast spirit.

Maybe your present situation has been flooded with disappointment after disappointment. . . . You need not be tempted to dwell in the past. . . . God knows what He’s doing. He has greater plans for you and me.

“I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering. You will turn back to me and ask for help and I will answer your prayers.” –Jeremiah 29:11-12 (CEV)


If God is For You

READ: Zephaniah 3:14-20


My first formal book launch on Friday afternoon (December 2nd) in a technological college made me a bit anxious. The librarian who coordinated the event with us reminded that the school could only provide the venue and that the program should run for an hour and extend for another 30 minutes for a question and answer portion and book-signing.

With all the preparations and details to be finalized, my heart pounded and my mind started entertaining these thoughts: “What if no one will show up? What if only five or ten students will make it to attend the launching program?”

All I could do was ask, “Wait Lord, did I make a mistake here?” I knew it that God normally answers through His Word when our minds are flooded with questions or doubts. So I grabbed my devotional guide and Bible. The passage for that day goes: “He will rejoice over you. You will rest in his love; he will sing and be joyful about you” (Zephaniah 3:17). The verse simply came to life and silenced all anxieties. It assured me that while the number of my audience may not reach 100, I have One who is more than enough. My Facebook page fans (or likes) may not increase dramatically, but I can take joy from the Greatest Cheer Leader one could ever have. He is worth more than a million fans. His commendation is priceless!

Turn to the sidelines; that’s God cheering your run. Look past the finish line; that’s God applauding your steps. Listen for him in the bleachers, shouting your name. Too tired to continue? He’ll carry you. Too discouraged to fight? He’s picking you up. God is for you. –Max Lucado